RWI Group makes investments in information technology and medtech companies that meet our portfolio focus in communications, software, semiconductors, and life sciences, with a primary interest in first or second round venture financings.
Our investment criteria includes:
Seasoned Management that has Demonstrated Success: We believe strong chief executive officers and well-rounded management teams are obvious keys to a company's success.
High-Margin Markets with Strong Growth Potential: We invest in companies which have proprietary positions in high-growth industries and the potential to generate high risk-adjusted returns based on reasonable assumptions.
Leading Edge, Competitive Technology: We feel companies developing leading-edge products and services are better positioned to achieve high gross margins based on product utility and market differentiation.
Effective Distribution Channels: We look for companies that understand their target customers and use new and/or existing distribution channels to provide cost-effective access to key market segments.
Organizational Leverage: We encourage companies to focus on core competitive competencies and outsource non-critical activities.
Rational Valuations: We seek investments at attractive valuations relative to good business fundamentals. We will not make investments in companies where high private valuations seem to be justified only by robust public markets.

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